DUI and DWI Charges

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In the state of Missouri, driving while intoxicated (DWI) is similar to what is described as driving under the influence (DUI) in many other jurisdictions. It is also possible to be charged with driving while ability impaired (DWAI) or, if a combination of alcohol and drugs has been consumed, you may be charged with a Drug-DWAI. In all of these situations, blood alcohol concentration (BAC) levels are taken into account and can impact the severity of an offense as well as the legal considerations and possible penalties.

Factors Impacting Impairment

There are many factors that must be taken into account when determining whether a person is impaired. While alcohol certainly is the major contributing factor, other variables are also present.

The following factors can impact impairment:

  • The amount of alcohol consumed
  • The amount of non-alcoholic food and beverages consumed before, during, and after alcohol
  • The duration of alcohol consumption
  • Your gender
  • Your body weight and physical composition

Defending against DWI/DUI Charges

Our team thoroughly investigates the circumstances leading up to your arrest. Just because you failed a breathalyzer test does not mean you are guilty. Even burping can skew the results of that specific test, making it a piece of evidence against you that is not entirely reliable. Similarly, standard field sobriety tests have also been proven to be less-than-reliable means of determining whether or not someone is intoxicated. Our Missouri DUI/DWI attorney can challenge the evidence against you and fight for the best possible outcome on your behalf!

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